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Logo ICF Conference I. Gillet 13 JAN 202

Here is an overview of my ICF Conference on Cross-Cultural Intelligence, Symbolic Creativity and the development of an Ethno-Logic Coaching Posture.

Check the event photos below and contact me if you'd like to have a customised presentation delivered to your own team too, whether in French or in English!

- Coaching Along : What do expats, gifted, leaders, and human mind explorers have in common? What are the benefits and challenges? How to connect with those «talented nomads» at a deeper level?

- Coaching Away : Facilitating the deployment of cross-cultural intelligence in individual, social and organizational settings to foster the leadership of self, of others, and that of the relationship context.

- Coaching Above and Beyond : Using the 3-tier Decentration process to set boundaries while thinking outside the box, to hold space for the clients while navigating around their troubled waters.

- Coaching Out of this World : Integrating the systemic, scientific, semantic, spatial and symbolic approaches to nurture an « ethno-logic » coaching posture and multiple perspective-taking competency.

Missed it?  Check out pictures!

Conf. ICF 2020
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